Equipped for Success with Our Cutting-Edge PLANT AND EQUIPMENT


A lineup of trucks parked in an open field, displaying a range of styles and colors against a backdrop of nature. Komatsu grader, showcasing precision and efficiency in leveling surfaces for Makali Plant and Construction's infrastructure projects. A truck parked on the road, featuring a crane mounted on its top, showcasing a construction or transport scenario. A truck featuring a distinctive green and white paint job, showcasing its vibrant and eye-catching design. High-performance crane utilized by Makali Plant and Construction, ensuring safe and efficient lifting for various construction projects. A man operates a roller on a road, compacting the surface for improved durability and safety. A yellow excavator is actively digging into a large pile of dirt at a construction site, showcasing its powerful machinery. JCB broom in operation, demonstrating efficient road sweeping and maintenance as part of Makali Plant and Construction's equipment fleet.