Combatting HIV/AIDS with Our Commitment to Awareness and Support


Statement of commitment

We acknowledge the seriousness of the AIDS/ HIV pandemic and its consequences for South Africa. We also recognize that the company operates in an environment that has a predominantly migratory labor force, making it a prime contributor to the spread of HIV/ AIDS. We will strive to minimize the social, economic and developmental consequences of the disease on its employees. We will endeavor to utilize all opportunities in which we interact with civil society to raise awareness about HIV/ AIDS.

In giving effect to our commitment, we will:

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Provide a framework within which HIV/ AIDS can be managed within the company.
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Ensure that HIV / AIDS is managed in a supportive, non-threatening environment.
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Prohibit unfair discrimination on the basis of HIV / AIDS.
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Raise the levels of awareness and understanding amongst employees and the local community in which we operate, of the risk of infection with the HIV virus.
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Promote early diagnosis and assist affected employees to access care and counselling.